Saheel Raj

Beginner Student, with knowledge in web degisn & development, I offer my best skills for resulting in quality work.

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About Me.


A passionate developer and portrait artist ... working in this intresting field for last 2 years. I'm allways ready to give you my best...

  • As a Beginner My Skills Are HTML, CSS, JS, Bootstrap, GitHub and GSAP.


Web Design

So beautiful and elegent designs with interfaces are intuitive, efficient and pleasent to use for the user...

Web Development

Custom web development tailored to your specifications, designed to provide a flawless user experience...

Frequently asked questions

How I make these types of webistes?

It's very simple. My imagination and some special plug-ins help to make these website. Generally I made these website using only simple programming languages like html, css and javascript.

How much time it take to make it?

Not much, if I code only for 2.5hrs for a day then it will take approx 1 week.

Does it required money?

NO, it's absolutely free of cost and I also didn't get any money by your views.

How hard it is?

It's easy but without knowing the advance you can't make it.


Special Website

Ramayana the Legend Story

Check the true story of Ramayana. Free to read in a couple of minutes. Check it out to make your mind refresh.


An alternative browsing website inspired by Google.

Text To Speech

Contact Me.

I will read all emails. Send me any massage you want and I'll get back to you.

I need your Name and Email Address, but you won't receive anything other than your reply.

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